How to Make a Buttondown Shirt Cuff with Placket.

1. Start with your sleeve piece laying flat.

The piece I’m working on in this tutorial has an added placket yoke, which is just a decorative addition.
Sleeve placket pieces.
2. Transfer the markings from the pattern pieces to mark where you’ll be cutting.
3. Match markings on sleeve and sleeve placket.
4. Stitch 1/4″ on either side of marking.
5. Clip in between your two lines of stitching.
6. Flip placket to the front of the shirt, and iron raw edges in.
7. Stitch placket in place.
8. Pin one cuff piece onto the edge of your sleeve, leaving a 5/8″ flap hanging over the edge of each side of your sleeve placket.
9. Stitch cuff piece to edge of sleeve.
10. Match the bottom edge of your inner cuff piece with the edge of your sleeve and the bottom edge of the outer cuff piece you’ve just sewn together.
11. Starting around two inches from the bottom outer edge of the cuff/sleeve/cuff sandwich, stitch toward the edge just until you can feel that you’ve sewn off the edge of the sleeve.
12. Pivot and continue sewing around the rest of the cuff, keeping the length of the sleeve out of the way of your stitching.
This is what it looks like once you’ve sewn all around the edge of the cuff,
starting two inches in on the bottom edge, and finishing in two inches on the bottom edge.
13. Trim edges.
14. Turn cuff right side out and turn the raw edge of the inner cuff in. Edge stitch, then topstitch to finish.

The finished cuff/placket!


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